We wanted to see just how much ChatGPT knows about elections – so we asked it – about everything from AI use in elections to election integrity.
Talking Elections with ChatGPT

We wanted to see just how much ChatGPT knows about elections – so we asked it – about everything from AI use in elections to election integrity.
Eduardo Correia, our Chief Technology Officer, covered three perspectives to support election management bodies (EMBs) in defining a security strategy.
Election officials must continually look for alternative ways to make voting available and accessible to all citizens, regardless of location, conditions or abilities.
Thousands of candidates accepted the published results, and it looks like the turnout will have been the highest in the last two decades.
By Gracia Hillman Women perform important roles as elections administrators around the globe. Yet too often their important roles, including those on elections boards and commissions, are overlooked. Evidence shows that women are effective, trusted election leaders, but as in
Voter registration and authentication are a common challenge for election officials the world over. Authorities have the obligation to ensure that the integrity of the voter authentication process is not compromised, either by fraud or by malfeasance, and that committing