For the last 25 years IFES has dedicated enormous efforts to strengthen electoral systems and build local capacity around the world. The institution has contributed in different aspects of election administration by drafting and reforming electoral frameworks, training voting officials, educating population, developing methods for campaigning finance oversight, strengthening electoral dispute mechanisms, among many other very important issues.

Recently, efforts have being geared towards defining electoral fraud, and developing methods to mitigate and detect it. Integrity is one of the single most important aspects an electoral authority needs to oversee as legitimacy of elections largely depend on its perceived integrity.

On May 20, 2012, a panel of experts discussed some of the most important related to election integrity and fraud. Marc Elias, Pippa Norris, John Hardin Young, Almami Cyllah, were the guest speakers in a very informative video.


IFES seminar on building integrity, defining fraud
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