In Mexico, a variety of stakeholders including citizens, election officials, legislators, political parties and experts, are discussing the creation of a regulation purposely authorizing the use of electronic voting systems as well as the specific guidelines and procedures for its implementation and control. These guidelines must be based on the principles of democratic electoral systems to protect the political and electoral rights of the citizens.

The regulations must be conceived, with strict adherence to constitutional norms for their validity. This will encourage the necessary confidence among voters, expanding the use of electronic voting in Mexico.

Mexico works on electronic voting regulations

The development of e-voting systems has been pushed by the technology and microelectronic revolution that led to the development of computer networks, operating systems, expansion of digitized technologies and wireless telecommunications.

The appearance of these systems converged in the so-called “Information and Communication Technologies” which made inevitable the need to expand electoral processes using technology.

The use of these technologies have spread to other industry fields and financial services. Importantly, several studies recommend the benefits of the electronic voting system because of its efficiency in data processing.

Other studies have indicated the urge to establish legal regulations not only for the use of electronic voting but for multiple digital applications such as systematization of personal databases, processing and systematization of government information,  development of new banking services and diverse data processing, among others.


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Mexico works on electronic voting regulations