‘Safe Spaces For Youth’ was the UN theme for this year’s International Youth Day.
Is it time to increase youth political empowerment?

‘Safe Spaces For Youth’ was the UN theme for this year’s International Youth Day.
According to International IDEA, “voter turnout has been declining across the globe since the beginning of 1990, and such trend has raised many concerns among election stakeholders.”
Según International IDEA, “la participación de votantes ha estado disminuyendo en todo el mundo desde principios de 1990, y tal tendencia ha generado muchas preocupaciones entre los interesados en las elecciones”.
For years, many in the election technology ecosystem have been promoting the implementation of e-voting systems that produce voter-verified paper audit trails (VVPAT).
Durante años, muchos de los que participan dentro del ecosistema de la tecnología electoral han promovido la implementación de sistemas de votación electrónica que producen registros de auditoría en papel verificados por los votantes (VVPAT).
The election cycle is a conundrum for most external stakeholders.