Bot farms, fake news and data breaches have all been used to spread misinformation during some of the most important electoral processes in the last few years.
Can Social Media have a positive impact on elections?

Bot farms, fake news and data breaches have all been used to spread misinformation during some of the most important electoral processes in the last few years.
El escándalo de Cambridge Analytica, que reveló el uso de la información privada de unos 80 millones de usuarios de Facebook, ha hecho sonar las alarmas en las oficinas de muchas comisiones electorales.
The revelations that Cambridge Analytica used the personal information of approximately 80 million Facebook users during recent elections has sounded alarms in the offices of election commissions from around the world.
International Women’s Day (March 8) is here. The global celebration of women resistance and achievements in all areas of life (social, economic, cultural and political) is an annual opportunity to engage and be part of the efforts to promote gender
La Conferencia Nacional de la AEA de este año se centró en “Construyendo puentes entre donde estamos y donde tenemos que estar” para la administración de elecciones en el Reino Unido.
This year’s AEA National Conference focused on Bridging the Gap “between where we are and where we need to be” for election administration in the UK.