For election officials and administrators, the new year offers a time to re-dedicate themselves to continuously improving election operations and integrity, as well as voting processes and turnout.
Five Terms You Should Know to Combat Mis- and Disinformation
Election systems and processes are especially vulnerable to the spread of disinformation. This type of false content, including videos, infographics, memes, data and articles, can significantly diminish the effectiveness and credibility of election management bodies around the world.
How the Philippines became patient zero in the global disinformation pandemic
In the runup to the 2016 elections, the Philippine social media landscape was swamped with false and misleading information not just about the candidates but more alarmingly, about the Commission on Elections itself
Fighting the broad sweep of disinformation
To help election officials prepare for a fake news-driven crisis, Smartmatic has just released the second edition of its popular “Safeguarding Elections in the Age of Fake News” handbook.
Managing the tsunami of fake news
“Safeguarding Elections in the Age of Fake News” covers everything from how to set up your crisis team to what documents to prepare ahead of a disinformation event.
Talking Elections with ChatGPT
We wanted to see just how much ChatGPT knows about elections – so we asked it – about everything from AI use in elections to election integrity.