If you asked 100 Americans how old you must be to register to vote, 99 people would probably respond with “18.” BUZZZZZZZZ! Oh, I’m sorry, that’s incorrect.
Do you need to be 18 to register to vote in the US? (Hint: it’s a trick question)

If you asked 100 Americans how old you must be to register to vote, 99 people would probably respond with “18.” BUZZZZZZZZ! Oh, I’m sorry, that’s incorrect.
“Democracy is built on inclusion, equal treatment, and participation — and it is a fundamental building block for peace, sustainable development and human rights,” per the 2019 Day of Democracy’s site.
With the primary season just around the corner, America’s attention is increasingly focused on the upcoming 2020 election.
Voting, and more broadly elections, are not unlike the weather in that everybody talks about it but not much is actually done about it.
Twenty-five years after South Africa’s first democratic elections, the country went to the polls to designate the 400 members of the 2019 National Assembly.
Since 2005, Estonia has been making global headlines because of its successful and secure i-voting system.