History shows us once and again that despite geographical, generational or socio-cultural contexts, some political players – as well as some partisan groups- have a vested interest in ensuring elections results end in their favor.
¿Cómo puede la tecnología apoyar el trabajo de los observadores electorales?
Una tecnología bien diseñada mejora la precisión, la velocidad y la integridad de las elecciones.
How can technology make election observers thrive?
Well-designed technology improves the accuracy, speed and integrity of elections. However, observation by experienced observers and thorough auditing are also necessary to give legitimacy to election results.
Día de la democracia: Logrando cinco hitos con la tecnología de votación
El tema del Día Internacional de la Democracia de este año se centra en los desafíos y resoluciones que enfrentan nuestros gobiernos y sociedades para aumentar la participación y la protección de los derechos humanos en los tiempos modernos.
Democracy Day: Reaching five milestones with election technology
This year’s International Day of Democracy awareness theme focuses on the challenges and resolutions that our governments and societies face to increase participation and human rights’ protection in modern times.
Four moments when technology improved inclusion and democratic participation
The United Nations celebrates Democracy Day on September 15. This holiday represents a perfect opportunity to promote the work being done around the world to bolster social inclusion and democratic participation.