The National Democratic Party (NDP) of Ghana manifested its support to the proposal of the Electoral Commission (EC) to adopt electronic voting in the 2016 parliamentary and presidential elections. According to the NDP, this would greatly contribute to maintain peace
Estonia works to improve internet voting
According to Tarvi Martens, head of the Department of Electronic Voting of the National Electoral Committee, Estonia is working to improve verification systems of electronic voting. The aim is to make Internet voting even more transparent and easier to monitor.
Bern University of Applied Sciences promotes research to improve e-voting security
The Research Institute for Security in the Information Society (RISIS) at the Bern University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland is working to conceive, design, and implement new techniques and tools to improve computer security. The expertise of RISIS covers a
Pennsylvania runs successful new online voter registration
Since Pennsylvania introduced online voter registration five months ago, more than 31.000 people have used the service. From the end of August, until December 7, nearly 51.000 people have registered to vote and 19.560 updated their personal data using the state’s
Georgia will implement Electronic voting for general elections
According to Georgia’s Justice Minister, Thea Tsulukiani, the country is technically ready to launch an online voting system. However, other actions would be needed, including legislation changes, promoting electronic ID cards and ensuring countrywide internet access. Thereby, remote villages must
Russia’s National Settlement Depository launches e-voting
The National Settlement Depository (Russia’s central securities depository) is developing an electronic voting platform for its shareholder meetings. The new service would be available in 2017. This new e-voting platform will allow security holders to remotely participate in meetings. Shareholders