When Argentina counted up the votes in its recent election, citizens had the results in record time.
What is Electronic Voting and its Advantages?
The future of mankind is digital, but how will democracy keep pace with an ever-increasing digital citizenship?
Voting Security and Accessibility Are Not Mutually Exclusive
With the primary season just around the corner, America’s attention is increasingly focused on the upcoming 2020 election.
The Many Dimensions of Election Integrity
Voting, and more broadly elections, are not unlike the weather in that everybody talks about it but not much is actually done about it.
Online voting? Yes, it’s being done and it’s secure.
Since 2005, Estonia has been making global headlines because of its successful and secure i-voting system.
4 key facts about the Belgian election cycle 2018-2019
Last October, Belgium conducted local and provincial elections. The first half of a two-part election season, which will be completed next May with Parliamentary (Regional and Federal parliaments) and European elections.