La organización “The Democratic Society” realizará en Londres el evento “Tomando el control de la política: ¿Puede ayudarnos la democracia digital?“, este próximo 9 de febrero.
Compromiso político a tu alcance: Debatamos sobre democracia digital

La organización “The Democratic Society” realizará en Londres el evento “Tomando el control de la política: ¿Puede ayudarnos la democracia digital?“, este próximo 9 de febrero.
The British authorities seem to have been listening. Recently, the government announced a number of measures to strength the electoral system and eliminate electoral fraud.
The Democratic Society will host the event “Taking control of politics: Can digital democracy help” in London, next February 9.
2016 fue un año marcado por sorpresas electorales. Desde el Reino Unido, pasando por Estados Unidos y hasta Colombia, las elecciones demostraron que un resultado no está garantizado hasta que el último elector emite su voto.
2016 was a year marked by electoral surprises. From UK, and all the way to Colombia, elections proved that no result is guaranteed until the last voter casts his or her ballot.
“When voting rates in America are some of the lowest among advanced democracies, we should be making it easier, not harder, to vote.”, advised President Barack Obama during his final speech, a few days before leaving the White House.