El grupo de expertos WebRoots Democracy con sede en Londres publicó recientemente el informe “El Costo de la Votación en el Reino Unido”.
El voto electrónico como medida de seguridad para los expatriados: El caso de Estonia
Los ciudadanos que viven en el extranjero, con derecho a votar en sus países de origen, necesitan (y merecen) tanta confianza en la protección de su derecho al voto como los residentes locales. En la actualidad, y de acuerdo con
E-voting as a safety measure for expatriates: The Estonian case
Citizens living abroad, with the legal right to vote in their countries of origin, need (and deserve) as much confidence in the protection of their voting rights as local residents.
Estonia works to improve internet voting
According to Tarvi Martens, head of the Department of Electronic Voting of the National Electoral Committee, Estonia is working to improve verification systems of electronic voting. The aim is to make Internet voting even more transparent and easier to monitor.
New Zealand follows Estonia’s steps on i-voting
A trial of online voting will take place in New Zealand next year during the local elections to choose whether they will use online voting alongside postal voting. New Zealand will try to follow Estonia’s example as the only nation
Digital identity in Estonia simplifies voting in financial institutions
The Estonian e-Residency offers every world citizen a government-issued digital identity card which can be used to open a bank account, start a business (Estonia holds the world-record of establishing a new business in just 18 minutes) and pay (Estonian) taxes