El grupo de expertos WebRoots Democracy con sede en Londres publicó recientemente el informe “El Costo de la Votación en el Reino Unido”.
La Biometría abre el camino a unas elecciones más confiables
Recientemente, el Instituto Internacional para la Democracia y la Asistencia Electoral (International IDEA) publicó un informe sobre la introducción de tecnología biométrica en las elecciones.
The modernization of the US voting system: a pending task
“When voting rates in America are some of the lowest among advanced democracies, we should be making it easier, not harder, to vote.”, advised President Barack Obama during his final speech, a few days before leaving the White House.
Improved Technology is Key to Restoring Trust in the U.S. Voting System
A recent study has revealed some very interesting facts about the perception voters and poll workers have regarding the US voting system.
Technology can improve the integrity of elections
A collection of essays from experts in the International Elections Advisory Council (IEAC) was published in the report “The Future of Elections”, a document that highlights how technology can strengthen democracy and elections integrity.
Romanians will be able to vote abroad with e-voting
Romanian authorities announced that an e-voting platform will be implemented for the December parliamentary elections. This platform should make it easier for Romanians residing abroad to exercise their democratic right.