The Olympics, the greatest spectacle in sport, is a transcendent event, that every four years delivers an endless array of teachable moments. Those moments have application across many fields – including elections. Here are three.
5 Ways Tech Can Help Democracy
The Edelman Trust Barometer 2021 revealed that compared to 2020, trust in search engines has decreased by 6%, in traditional media by 8%, and in social media by 5%.
IDEA International’s Out-of-Country Voting report: 5 main takeaways
South Korea made the headlines when it held parliamentary elections in April 2020 as COVID-19 was ravaging the world.
Video series delves into accessibility for disabled voters
More than 14 million citizens with disabilities reported voting in the November 2018 US elections. But if people with disabilities voted at the same rate as non-disabled voters, there would have been an estimated 2.3 million more voters participating. What
Security and Accessibility Are Not Mutually Exclusive
Smartmatic was honored to attend the Election Assistance Commission’s (EAC) Disability, Accessibility, and Security Forum on February 20. The overwhelming consensus at the conference is that security and accessibility are not at all mutually exclusive. We know this is true
What happens after you mark your ballot on Election Day?
The exact steps that your ballot follows once you mark your choices will vary considerably depending on the technology used to vote, the legal framework of the jurisdiction, and many other important factors.