El grupo de expertos WebRoots Democracy con sede en Londres publicó recientemente el informe “El Costo de la Votación en el Reino Unido”.
4 Take-away points from the Cost of Voting report
The London-based think tank WebRoots Democracy recently published a report on the Cost of Voting in the UK
Voting technology to facilitate voting for military personnel overseas
The British organization Webroots Democracy (also known as the Institute for Digital Democracy) will gather on October 10th a panel of experts to discuss their most recent investigation on the voting of military forces deployed abroad.
El voto por Internet en la era de la conveniencia
Aunque el voto por Internet es un tema que genera controversia y opiniones encontradas, la mayoría de las personas concuerdan en que es un método muy conveniente.
2016 United States Elections open the path to innovation in elections
The upcoming US presidential election in November has led both the Democrat and the Republican parties to seek out innovative alternatives to have a closer relationship with the electorate, young voters in particular.
Carter Center praises advances of elections automation in the Philippines
The Carter Center, one of the most prestigious electoral observation bodies in the world, published a report praising the role of automation during the May 9th Philippine general election.