Automating voting takes both intentional and unintentional human error out of the equation. It also improves the efficiency of administrative tasks and increases the ability to audit the electoral process.

This leads to better security and precision in the election. As a result, one can be more confident in the results.

Audits increase confidence in e-voting

The automation should not only be limited to counting votes and transmitting them. It should also include robust, transparent, and trustworthy mechanisms for critical processes like audits that are flexible and reliable. Auditability is a vital characteristic for any electronic voting system.

“An audit is an appropriate method of demonstrating and certifying the correct functioning of a voting system before all interested parties,” says Samira Saba of Smartmatic. Saba added that “an auditable electronic voting system is the solution for many Latin American countries wishing to increase voter turnout as transparency encourages voter trust and participation.”

Experts recommend that exhaustive audits of automated voting systems be carried out by experts in systems, information security and telecommunications.

When the audits are performed and fully understood by electoral authorities and all other stakeholders, the entire system gains credibility and legitimacy.


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Audits increase confidence in e-voting